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Remote Assistance

Advanced onsite remote support system

Rob provides instant expert remote support and assistance to your onsite workforce.


Despite technological advances, planned redundancies, efficient operating workflows and increased robustness of equipments in place, companies still face unplanned downtime, outages, failures and decision making bottlenecks, that drive up significant inefficiencies and financial impacts.

While the financial cost implications vary depending on the industry, none are barred from it. According to a report from Dunn & Bradstreet, they put this loss figure at 1.6 hours of downtime per week for 59% of the companies listed in Fortune 500.

A study by Ponemon institute, quantifies this figure to be about USD 7,900 a minute! And apprantly this figure is not inclusive of all the intangible costs that arrive as lost opportunities along with a loss to reputation, brand image & goodwill of the company.

Dealing with unplanned downtimes comes with the imperative need of controlling and reducing the time it takes for the system to go back online. The major latency is caused due to the hindrance of bridging expert guidance to the onsite workforce.

Rob has been designed and geared towards reducing these time-intensive latency.

Unlimited and Reliable Access

On Demand

Inbuilt voice and visual controls in the connected Smart Glass, provide for a collaborative interaction between the onsite workforce and offsite support, without the wait time of having the need of experts to show up at the point of failure.

Handsfree Interface

Voice and Gesture controls, further reduce the need of interacting with the light weight head mounted device, enabling them to get through the tasks quicker, especially in areas where it is hard to carry additional equipment.

Empowering Workflow

your workforce is now empowered with the ability to pull up snippets of information augmented to their field of sight, that lets them deal with the task at hand without them having to rely on memory or extensive manuals. All the while by being guided by the support staff.

The whole system is dowright secure, reliable and easy to deploy across your team without any interruption. Your support force can be better managed and new onsite workforce can be deployed with minimum training time but with standard output and train the workforce on.

Learn how you can incorporate the next hi-tech transformation in your company

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